Ok - This is it folks. We are headed into the last 2 days of the campaign. We want everyone to call Henry Waxman's office and demand open hearings into Sibel's case. We are having a last minute push - Monday and Tuesday of this week - to make calls, and send faxes.
If you make one call, call Waxman's office. If you can make two calls, call his other offices, if you can make three calls, call Conyers' office. (contact details below)
Sibel is the most gagged person in US history - if we get hearings, then by definition, she'll be the most 'ungagged' person in US history. If you make a call on Monday and Tuesday, then you will be able to take credit for making this happen. We are nearly there.
When you've made a call, leave a comment in this post and go on the record here that you've done your bit. You'll be able to tell your kids, and your grandkids, and if you live long enough, their grandkids. More than that, imagine how much fun it will be watching the hearings, and seeing Perle, Feith and Hastert hauled away in orange jumpsuits..
Contact details:
Capitol switchboard number - 800-828-0498
Waxman Contact Details:
(ask for Michelle Ash (Michelle.Ash@mail.house.gov) & David Rapallo (David.Rapallo@mail.house.gov) )
In Washington, D.C.
(202) 225-3976 (phone)
(202) 225-4099 (fax)
In Los Angeles
(323) 651-1040 (phone)
(818) 878-7400 (phone)
(310) 652-3095 (phone)
(323) 655-0502 (fax)
Conyers Contact Details:
Email: John.Conyers@mail.house.gov
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5126
(202) 225-0072 Fax
(ask for Elliot Mintzberg)
Trenton, MI 48183
(734) 675-4084
(734) 675-4218 Fax
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 961-5670
(313) 226-2085 Fax
I've emailed Waxman and Conyers. Keep up the good work!
thnx anon. great work.
Faxed both Waxman and Conyers offices
w/staff names included. Lukery, you're a true patriot to stay on top of this situation. As is Sibel...
I just called Waxman AND Conyers...feels good.
thnx Billo, Pablo.
Great work.
we've heard they got 'thousands' of calls. one more day to go, and Perle will be in prison :-)
Bush is over... if you want it! I made the calls. Imagine if each of us took 6 minutes each day to call our reps (1 Rep, 2 Senators) to express our demands and direct their priorities (they do work for us, remember)--they wouldn't know what to do! 1000 people a day for 1-2 minutes is a lot of staff wrapped up in hearing from constituents. "The People, participating? The People are paying attention?!" We can turn this country around! Letting Sibel speak will be a great, necessary step in that process.
the people participating?
omg! man the barricades!
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